Free Things to Do in Ouray, Colorado

Nestled in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, Ouray is a charming small town with stunning natural scenery and a rich history. 尽管它的规模很大, 在乌雷有很多免费的活动可以做,让游客完全沉浸在这个地区的美丽和文化中. Whether you're interested in hiking, 观光, or learning about local history, there's something for everyone in this hidden gem of a town. 在本文中,我们将探索Ouray提供的一些最好的免费活动.

#1 Sledding at Vinegar Hill

在醋山坐雪橇是冬天来Ouray旅游的人必做的活动. Located just a short drive from downtown Ouray, Vinegar Hill is a popular spot for families and thrill-seekers alike. The hill boasts an elevation of over 7,000 feet and provides stunning views of the surrounding San Juan Mountains. Visitors can bring their own sleds or rent them from nearby shops in town. 这座山是免费进入的,如果天气允许,通常从12月到次年3月开放. 乘雪橇下山是一种令人兴奋的体验,肯定是任何冬季旅行的亮点.


Lee's Ski Hill是滑雪和单板滑雪爱好者在冬季游览Ouray的热门目的地. Located right by downtown, the ski hill offers a variety of terrain for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. With an elevation of over 7,000 feet and a vertical drop of over 200 feet, 李的滑雪山提供了周围山脉的壮丽景色,是欣赏圣胡安山脉美景的好地方. 使用牵引线,这是一个简单的方法,使它上山,不需要步行. Whether you're a seasoned skier or snowboarder, or just looking to try something new, Lee's Ski Hill is a must-visit spot in Ouray during the winter months.


在扶轮公园溜冰是一项有趣的冬季活动,适合家庭和朋友来欧瑞. 公园设有一个大型的室外溜冰场,免费向公众开放. Located just outside of downtown, 溜冰场可以欣赏到周围群山的美景,也是享受冬日清新空气的好去处. Visitors can bring their own skates or borrow them from the warming hut. The rink is typically open from December to March, weather permitting. In addition to skating, the park also features a playground and picnic area, making it a great spot for a day of outdoor fun. 在扶轮公园溜冰是一项经典的冬季活动,所有年龄的游客在欧瑞逗留期间都可以享受.

Photo By: @wanderful_em


在冬季参观Box Cañon瀑布是一种令人惊叹的体验,在Ouray时不容错过. The frozen waterfall creates a stunning natural ice sculpture, which can be viewed from a short walk along a paved trail. The trail is surrounded by the towering walls of the canyon, and the sound of rushing water echoes off the frozen walls, creating a serene atmosphere. In addition to the falls, 这条小径通向一座吊桥,从那里可以俯瞰下面的峡谷. While the hike to the falls is short, it can be slippery in the winter, so visitors should be sure to wear appropriate footwear. Box Cañon瀑布是一个美丽的冬季仙境,它提供了一个独特的视角来欣赏圣胡安山脉的自然美景.

# 5徒步旅行

对于任何想要体验圣胡安山脉自然美景的人来说,徒步旅行是一项必做的活动. The area boasts a variety of 300+ miles of hiking trails, 从轻松的散步到艰苦的徒步旅行,都是更有经验的徒步旅行者的完美选择. While hiking in Ouray can be done year-round, visitors should be aware of changing weather conditions and prepare accordingly. Proper footwear and clothing are essential, and hikers should always bring plenty of water and snacks. 在欧瑞徒步旅行是一个与自然联系的好方法,体验这个小镇隐藏的瑰宝的惊人之美.


风景优美的汽车是欣赏奥雷及其周边地区令人惊叹的自然美景的好方法. The Million Dollar Highway, a 25-mile stretch of Highway 550 that runs between Ouray and Silverton, is a must-do scenic drive that offers sweeping views of the San Juan Mountains. The road winds through steep canyons, past towering peaks, and alongside rushing rivers, making it a truly breathtaking drive. Another popular drive is the Dallas Divide, which offers stunning views of the Sneffels Range and the surrounding valley. Visitors can also take a drive up to Red Mountain Pass, which provides incredible panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Scenic drives in Ouray can be enjoyed year-round, but visitors should be aware of changing weather conditions, especially during the winter months. 无论什么季节,在乌雷的风景驾驶肯定是一个难忘的经历.

#7 Mountain Air Music Series

山区空气音乐系列是一个受欢迎的夏季活动,在美丽的户外环境中展示各种现场音乐表演. 该活动在费林公园举行,费林公园是位于奥雷市中心的一个风景优美的公园. 该系列活动通常持续整个6月,并以各种各样的音乐家和乐队为特色, ranging from local favorites to nationally known acts. 游客可以带着草坪椅或毯子,在开阔的天空下欣赏音乐,同时欣赏周围群山的壮丽景色. In addition to live music, the event also features food and drink vendors, making it a great spot for a summer evening out with friends and family. 山地空中音乐系列是Ouray喜爱的传统,也是在享受科罗拉多山脉美景的同时体验充满活力的当地音乐场景的好方法.

#8 Visiting 艺术 Galleries

参观艺术画廊是体验奥雷充满活力的艺术场景的好方法. The town is home to several galleries that showcase a variety of art, from paintings and sculpture to jewelry and pottery. 画廊经常展出当地艺术家的作品,以及来自全国各地的艺术家的作品. Many galleries are located in historic buildings in downtown Ouray, making for a picturesque stroll through the town while browsing the artwork. The Ouray County 艺术s Association also hosts several events throughout the year, including art shows and workshops, 这些景点为游客提供了与当地艺术家见面的机会,并更多地了解他们的工艺. 无论你是一个艺术爱好者或只是寻找一个独特的方式来度过一个下午, exploring the galleries in Ouray is a must-do activity.

#9 通过Ferrata’s - Uncompahgre River Gorge

这是一个惊险刺激的冒险,让游客体验到圣胡安山脉的自然美景在一个独特的和令人兴奋的方式. 通过Ferrata是一条有导游的攀岩路线,沿着Uncompahgre峡谷上方的悬崖,可以欣赏到Ouray和周边地区的壮丽景色. The route consists of iron rungs, 电缆, and bridges that have been anchored into the rock face, making it accessible to climbers of all skill levels. 这条路线大约需要三个小时才能完成,其中包括既令人兴奋又具有挑战性的部分, making it a memorable experience for adrenaline seekers. Ouray 通过Ferrata是一个独特的冒险,提供了一个鸟瞰圣胡安山脉令人惊叹的自然美景,是一个必须做的活动,为那些寻找一个难忘的冒险.

*Free for people who have their own equipment. 如果您有需要,请参阅我们的指南和租赁业务,以满足您的需求.


欧瑞冰雪公园是举世闻名的独特景点,吸引着来自世界各地的游客. Located in a narrow gorge just outside of downtown Ouray, 公园由一系列攀冰路线组成,这些路线是在冬季的几个月里通过喷水器向岩壁喷水形成的. 结果是一个令人惊叹的冰形成展示,为所有技术水平的攀冰者提供了一个具有挑战性和令人兴奋的攀登体验. The park features over 200 ice and mixed climbing routes, making it one of the largest ice parks in the world. In addition to climbing, the park also hosts a variety of events throughout the winter season, including ice climbing competitions, 诊所, 和节日. 游客可以租用设备,并在当地的几家装备店接受经验丰富的导游的指导, making it a great activity for both beginners and experienced climbers. 对于任何想要在美丽的环境中体验攀冰刺激的人来说,欧雷冰上公园是一个必去的目的地.

*Free for people who have their own equipment. 如果您有需要,请参阅我们的指南和租赁业务,以满足您的需求.


½ Day in Ouray - Driving & 走


The Ouray Alchemist Museum